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Pavel Vladimirovich Toulaev is a scholar and writer, the editor of the Russian international magazine “ATHENAEUM” He is also professor of Moscow State Linguistic University (MGLU) and the vice-president of Moscow department of “Synergy European”. Toulaev was born in Krasnodar (1959) and is living in Moscow since 1970.  By education he is an interpreter from Spanish, English and French (1981), Ph.D. in History (1985). In 1982-1992 he passed his postgraduate studies and worked as a researcher in the Institute of Latin America of the USSR. Then he worked in Spain (1992) and the USA (1993/1994).

Toulaev is the author of more than 100 publications in different genres about Russia, Europe, Latin and North America. The separate editions published in Moscow are “Krest nad Krimom” (The Cross over the Crimea, 1992), “Sem Luchey” (Seven Rays, 1993), “K Ponimaniyu Russkogo” (Understanding Russian, 1994), “Franco: Vozhd Ispanii” (Franco: the leader of Spain, 1998), “Veneti: predki slovjan” (Veneti: ancestors of Slavs, 2000). He is the editor of collections  – “Narod i Intelligentsia” (People and Intelligentsia, 1990), “Vokrug Loseva” (Around Losev, 1990), “Rossia i Evropa: opit sobornogo analisa” (Russia and Europe: the Experience of Sobor Analysis, 1992),  “Russkaya Perspectiva” (Russian Perspective, 1996), “Varvary” (Barbarians, 1999) and autors’ works    “Filosofija postistorii” (Philosophy of the Post-History“) by Vitaly Kovaljov, V Ternie i pri Doroge” (Sermons) by Dmitry Dudko (1993), “Kak Orden Organizuet Voiny i Revolutsii” (How the Order Creates Wars and Revolutions) by Antony Satton (1995) and “Zhrets Severa” (The Priest of the North”) by Sergey Yashin (2000).

Some of Toulaev’s works have been published in foreign languages: Rusia y España se descubren una a otra, Sevilla, 1992; Sobor and Sobornost, – «Russian Studies in Philosophy», N.Y., 1993/vol. 31, ¹4.; Deutsche und Russen – Partner mit Zukunft? – «Nation & Europa», 1998, ¹11/12; Les guerres de nouvelles generations, – «Nouvelles de Synergies Europeennes», Brussel, 1999, ¹39; Intretien avec Pavel Toulaev, – Ibidem, ¹ 40; Atak I zwyciestwo kazdego dnia.– “ODALA”, SZCZECIN, 1999, numer V; Veneti: predniki slovanov.– Tretji venetski zbornik – Editiones Veneti, Ljubljana 2000,


       Address: 109462, ab. ¹11, Moscow, Russia.

e-mail: toulaev_pavel@mtu-net.ru